Telecharge Collection de guides de voyage en anglais

by Yulia Zorenko on September 7, 2014

Liste des fichiers:

500 Adrenaline Adventures (Frommer’s) – Lois Friallanilla & Jennifer Swetzoff & Charlie O’Malley
500 Extraordinary Islands (Frommer’s) – Holly Hughes
500 Places to Take Your Kids Before They Grow Up (Frommer’s) – Holly Hughes
A Cook’s Tour_ In Search of the Perfect Meal – Anthony Bourdain
Adrift_ Seventy-Six Days Lost at Sea – Steven Callahan
A Field Guide to Getting Lost – Rebecca Solnit
Alaska – Jim DuFresne & Don Root & Paige Penland
Among the Russians – Colin Thubron
Amsterdam (Rough Guide) – Martin Dunford & Phil Lee & Karoline Thomas
Argentina (Lonely Planet, 7th Edition) – Danny Palmerlee & Sandra Bao & Gregor Clark
Arizona and the Grand Canyon (Frommer’s, 2011) – Karl Samson
Arizona, New Mexico & the Grand Canyon Trips (Lonely Planet, 1st Edition) – Aaron Anderson
Around the World in 80 Dinners – Bill Jamison & Cheryl Alters Jamison
Australia (Lonely Planet, 15th Edition) – Justine Vaisutis
A Walk in the Woods_ Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail – Bill Bryson
Bali & Lombok (Lonely Planet) – Ryan Ver Berkmoes & Adam Skolnick & Marian Carroll
Barcelona_ City Guide (Lonely Planet, 7th Edition) – Damien Simonis
Becoming Odyssa – Jennifer Pharr Davis
Beijing Welcomes You – Tom Scocca
Beyond the Sky and the Earth_ A Journey Into Bhutan – Jamie Zeppa
Bhutan – Lindsay Brown & Bradley Mayhew & Stan Armington & Richard W. Whitecross
Bicycle Diaries – David Byrne
Big Snake the Hunt for the Worlds Larges – Robert Twigger
Bill Bryson’s African Diary – Bill Bryson
Black Lamb and Grey Falcon_ A Journey Through Yugoslavia – Rebecca West & Christopher Hitchens
Blind Descent_ The Quest to Discover the Deepest Place on Earth – James M. Tabor
Brazil (Lonely Planet, 7th Edition) – Regis St Louis
California (Lonely Planet, 5th Edition) – Sara Benson
Cambodia (Lonely Planet, 7th Edition) – Nick Ray
Canada (Lonely Planet, 10th Edition) – Karla Zimmerman
Caribbean (Fodor’s, 2011) – Fodor’s Travel Publications & Inc. Staff
Carnivorous Nights_ On the Trail of the Tasmanian Tigaret Mittelbach & Michael Crewdson & Alexis Rockman
Carolinas, Georgia & South Trips (Lonely Planet, 1st Edition) – Alex Leviton
China (Lonely Planet, 11th Edition) – Damian HaThomas Huhti & Carolyn B. Heller & Robert Kelly
City of Djinns_ A Year in Delhi – William Dalrymple
Colombia (Lonely Planet, 5th Edition) – Jens Porup
Confessions of an Event Planner_ Case Studies From the Real World of Eve Handle the Unexpected and How to Be a Master of Discretion – Judy Allen
Costa Rica
Costa Rica (Lonely Planet, 9th Edition) – Matthew Firestone
Country Driving_ A Journey Through China From Farm to Factory – Peter Hessler
Crazy for the Storm_ A Memoir of Survival – Norman Ollestad
Cuba – Lonely Planet
Culinary Careers_ How to Get Your Dream Job in Food With Advicrom Top Culinary Professionals – Rick Smilow & Anne E. McBride
Dangerous Waters_ Modern Piracy and Terror on the High Seas – John Burnett
Die Happy_ 499 Things Every Guy’s Gotta Do While He Still Can – Tim Burke & Michael Burke
Dinner With Persephone – Patricia Storace
Do Travel Writers Go to Hell_ – Thomas Kohnstamm
Driving Over Lemons_ An Optimist in Spain – Chris Stewart
England (Lonely Planet, 5th Edition) – David Else
Europe on a Shoestring (Lonely Planet, 6th Edition) – Tom Masters
Every Day in Tuscany_ Seasons of an Italian Life – Frances Mayes
Father of All Things_ A Marine, His Son, and the Legacy of Vietnam – Tom Bissell
France (Lonely Planet, 8th Edition) – Nicola Williams
Frommer’s – Bahamas – 2007.pdf
Frommer’s – Bermuda – 2007.pdf
Frommer’s – Caribbean – 2008.pdf
Frommer’s – Caribbean Ports of Call – 2008.pdf
Frommer’s – Jamaica – 2006.pdf
Frommer’s – Puerto Rico – 2008.pdf
Frommer’s – South America – 2008.pdf
Fugitives and Refugees_ A Walk Through Portland, Oregon – Chuck Palahniuk
Germany (Lonely Planet, 6th Edition) – Andrea Scerine le Nevez & Daniel Robinson & Caroline Sieg
Ghost Towns of Route 66 – Jim Hinckley & James Hinckley & Kerrick James
Great Britain – David Else & David Atkinson & Jmes Bainbridge & Oliver Berry & Fionn Davenport
Greece – Korina Miller & Kate Armstrong & Micha Deliso & Des Hannigan & Victoria Kyriakopoulos
Hawaii – Jeff Campbell
Hold the Enlightenment – Tim Cahill
Hong Kong and Macau_ City Guide (Lonely Planet, 14th Edition) – Andrew Stone & Et.al_
How Did You Get This Number – Sloane Crosley
How to Eat a Small Country_ A Family’s Pursuit of Happiness, One Meal at a Time – Amy Finley
Iceland (Lonely Planet, 7th Edition) – Fran Parnell & Etain O’carroll
I’m a Stranger Here Myself_ Notes on Returning to America After Twenty Years Away – Bill Bryson
India (Frommer’s, 4th Edition) – Keith Bain & Pippa de Bruyn & David Allardice & Shonar Joshi
India (Lonely Planet, 13th Edition) – Sarina Sint & Patrick Horton & Adam Karlin & Amelia Thomas
Indian Takeaway_ One Man’s Attempt to Cook His Way Home – Hardeep Singh Kohli
Indonesia – Ryan Ver Berkmoes
In Siberia – Colin Thubron
Instant City_ Life and Death in Karachi – Steve Inskeep
Into Thin Air_ A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster – Jon Krakauer
Iran – Andrew Burke
Ireland (Lonely Planet, 9th Edition) – Fionn Davenport
Istanbul_ The Collected Traveler_ An Inspired Companion Guide – Barrie Kerper
Italy – Damien, Garwood, Duncan, Hardu, Paula, Owen, Wendy, Roddis, Miles, Will Simonis
Japan (Lonely Planet, 11th Edition) – Chris Row Sara Benson & David Atkinson & Craig Mclachlan
K2_ Life and Death on the World’s Most Dangerous Mountain – Ed Viesturs & David Roberts
Korea (Lonely Planet, 8th Edition) – Simon Richi Balasingamchow & Cesar G. Soriano & Rob Whyte
Lake Michigan Backroads_ Your Guide to Wild and Scenic Adventures in Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana – Robert W. Domm
Lasso the Wind_ Away to the New West – Timothy Egan
Little Princes_ One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal – Conor Grennan
London (Fodor’s 2012) – Fodor’s
London (Lonely Planet, 7th Edition) – Sarah Johnstone & Tom Masters
Lonely Planet – Argentina – Patagonia (chapter) – 2008.pdf
Lonely Planet – Cambodia – Temples of Angkor (chapter) – 2008.pdf
Lonely Planet – Europe on a Shoestring – Switzerland – 2007.pdf
Lonely Planet – Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei – 2007
Lonely Planet – South America on a Shoestring – Bolivia – 2007.pdf
Lonely Planet – South America on a Shoestring – Brazil – 2007.pdf
Lonely Planet Spain – Damien Simonis
Lonely Planet – Turkey – 2007
Los Angeles & Southern California – Andrea Schulte-Peevers & Amy C. Balfour & Andrew Bender
Lost in My Own Backyard_ A Walk in Yellowstone National Park – Tim Cahill
Middle East – Anthony Ham
Mission Mongolia – David Treanor
Moby-Duck_ The True Story of 28,800 Bath Toys Lost at Sea and of the Beachc and Fools, Including the Author, Who Went in Search of Them – Donovan Hohn
My Lead Dog Was a Lesbian – Brian Patrick O’Donoghue
Naked in Dangerous Places – Cash Peters
Neither Here Nor There_ Travels in Europe – Bill Bryson
Nepal – Joe Bindloss
New York City_ City Guide (Lonely Planet, 7th Editis & Beth Greenfield & Regis St. Louis & Robert Reid
New York City (Fodor’s, 2012) – Fodor’s
Normandy, Brittany & the Best of the North_ With Paris (Fodor’s) – Fodor’s
Notes From the Hard Shoulder – James May
No Way Down_ Life and Death on K2 – Graham Bowley
One Man’s Wilderness_ An Alaskan Odyssey – Richard Proenneke & Sam Keith
On Mount Hood_ A Biography of Oregon’s Perilous Peak – Jon Bell
Oracle Bones – Peter Hessler
Other Colors – Orhan Pamuk & Maureen Freely
Outposts_ Journeys to the Surviving Relics of the British Empire – Simon Winchester
Pacific Northwest Trips (Lonely Planet, 1st Edition Danny Palmerlee & Mariella Krause & Bradley Mayhew
Paris_ City Guide (Lonely Planet, 7th Edition) – LPlanet & Steve Fallon & Lonely Planet Publications
Passage to Juneau_ A Sea and Its Meanings – Jonathan Raban
Passion on the Vine – Sergio Esposito
Peru – Lonely Planet Publications & Carolina MiKaty Shorthouse & Luke Waterson & Beth Williams
Pink Boots and a MacHete_ My Journey From NFL Cheerleader to National Geographic Explorer – Mireya Mayor & Jane Goodall
Plastiki_ Across the Pacific on Plastic_ An Adventure to Save Our Oceans – David de Rothschild
Portugal (Lonely Planet, 7th Edition) – Regis St Louis
Prague Pictures_ Portraits of a City – John Banville
Radio Shangri-La_ What I Learned in Bhutan, the Happiest Kingdom on Earth – Lisa Napoli
Riding the Iron Rooster – Paul Theroux
River Town_ Two Years on the Yangtze – Peter Hessler
Rock and Hard Places_ Travels to Backstages, Frontlines and Assorted Sideshows – Andrew Mueller
Rough Guides Directions
Running Dry – Jonathan Waterman
Russia (Lonely Planet, 5th Edition) – Simon Richmond
San Francisco – Alison Bing & John A. Vlahides
Scotland (Lonely Planet, 5th Edition) – Neil Wilson
Seattle (Frommer’s, 2010) – Karl Samson
Shantaram – Gregory David Roberts
Sharper Your Knife, the Less You Cry_ Love, Laughter, and Tears at the World’s Most Famous Cooking School – Kathleen Flinn
Singapore – Joshua Samuel Brown
Spain – Damien Simonis
Speed Tribes_ Days and Nights With Japan’s Next Generation – Karl Taro Greenfeld
Sri Lanka (Rough Guide) – Gavin Thomas & Rough Guide Staff
Steak – Mark Schatzker
Sweden – Becky Ohlsen & Cristian Bonetto
Switzerland (Lonely Planet, 6th Edition) – Nicola Williams & Damien Simonis & Kerry Walker
Thailand (Lonely Planet, 13th Edition) – China Williams
The Art of Travel – Alain De Botton
The Black Nile – Dan Morrison
The Cactus Eaters_ How I Lost My Mind-And Almost Found Myself-On the Pacific Crest Trail – Dan White
The Good Rain_ Across Time & Terrain in the Pacific Northwest – Timothy Egan
The Great Typo Hunt_ Two Friends Changing the World, One Correction at a Time – Jeff Deck & Benjamin D. Herson
The Kingdom by the Sea – Paul Theroux
The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid_ A Memoir – Bill Bryson
The Lost Girls_ Three Friends. Four Continents. One Unconveld. – Jennifer Baggett & Amanda Pressner & Holly C. Corbett
The Lost Heart of Asia – Colin Thubron
The Lunatic Express_ Discovering the World . . . Via Its Most Dangerous Buses, Boats, Trains, and Planes – Carl Hoffman
The Man Who Ate Everything – Jeffrey Steingarten
The Oregon Companion_ An Historical Gazetteer of the Useful, the Curious, and the Arcane – Richard H. Engeman
The River at the Centre of the World_ A Journey Up the Yangtze, and Back in Chinese Time – Simon Winchester
The Rough Guide to Chicago.pdf
The Rough Guide to Florence 2009.pdf
The Rough Guide to Hindi & Urdu Dictionary Phrasebook
The Rough Guide to Italy 2011.pdf
The Rough Guide to Morocco.pdf
The Rough Guide to Moscow 2009.pdf
The Rough Guide to New Zealand 2010.pdf
The Rough Guide to Paris 2008.pdf
The Rough Guide to Prague 2011.pdf
The Rough Guide to Seoul 2011.pdf
The Rough Guide to South Africa.pdf
The Rough Guide to Spain 2009.pdf
The Rough Guide to Switzerland 2006.pdf
The Rough Guide to Thailand’s Beaches and Islands.pdf
The Rough Guide to the Grand Canyon, 3rd Edition.pdf
The Rough Guide to The Philippines 2007.2.ed_.pdf
The Rough Guide to the USA 2011.pdf
The Rough Guide to Tuscany and Umbria 2009.pdf
The Sex Lives of Cannibals_ Adrift in the Equatorial Pacific – J. Maarten Troost
The Sweet Life in Paris_ Delicious Adventures in the World’s Most Glorious – and Perplexing – City – David Lebovitz
The Tao of Travel_ Enlightenments From Lives on the Road – Paul Theroux
The Wave_ In Pursuit of the Rogues, Freaks and Giants of the Ocean – Susan Casey
The Wild Rover_ A Blistering Journey Along Britain_s Footpaths – Mike Parker
Three Ways to Capsize a Boat – Chris Stewart
To a Mountain in Tibet – Colin Thubron
To the Ends of the Earth – Paul Theroux
Travels in Siberia – Frazier
Trawler_ A Journey Through the North Atlantic – Redmond O’Hanlon
Turn Left at the Trojan Horse_ A Would-Be Hero’s American Odyssey – Brad Herzog
Turn Right at MacHu Picchu 12-Copy Floor Display – Mark Adams
Twain’s Feast – Andrew Beahrs
Vagabonding_ An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel – Rolf Potts
Walking Home_ A Traveler in the Alaskan Wilderness, a Journey Into the Human Heart – Lynn Schooler
Walt Disney World With Kids (Fodor’s, 2012) – Fodor’s & Kim Wright Wiley
Washington, Oregon and the Pacific Northwest (Lonely Planet, 4th Edition) – Sandra Bao
Wild Coast – John Gimlette
Without Reservations_ The Travels of an Independent Woman – Alice Steinbach
Yellowstone & Grand Teton National Parks (Fodor’s) – Fodor’s
Yosemite, Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks (Fodor’s) – Fodor’s

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